Peter Hernandez for Congress

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Biden Student Loan Debt Program is a Massive Wealth Transfer from Middle to Upper Class

Thus, the illegal executive order pushed by the Democrat “progressive caucus” is a gigantic wealth transfer to be paid by lower- and middle-income families to the wealthiest segment. Guess what? The very people receiving this largesse have the greatest discretionary spending capacity, so that this act is also a colossal flaming of inflation.

I wonder why Zoe was so passionate about this wealth transfer… Could it be related to the fact that her donor base consists chiefly of Silicon Valley elites? At an anecdotal level, I have heard many Democrat elites brag about how clever they were to take out unneeded student loans, since they knew much would be forgiven. The total wealth transfer amounts to hundreds of billions… just sayin’…

Let’s replace Zoe with Peter Hernandez in Congress, who is a fighter for the working class.