Peter Hernandez for Congress

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Do you Feel Safe in Your City?

If you watched the video, you saw American citizens afraid for their lives. Thanks to a brave city councilwoman, some of these residents are being rescued.

Is Colorado Governor Polis calling out the National Guard to protect citizens?

Wrong! Clearly lying to the people, Polis is calling the story imaginary despite the video evidence! If the Democrat Governor told the truth he would have to admit that our open border was a SAFETY issue for his constituents.

Think Aurora Colorado is an Isolated Problem?

Los Angeles is the Gang Capital of the US with 450 active gangs. The Mexican Mafia alone includes 25 gangs including the infamous MS13. Are you safe in your city? Google: Gangs in San Jose, Gangs in Morgan Hill, Gangs in Gilroy, Gangs in Salinas, Gangs in Hollister, etc. etc.

Our open border is clearly threatening the city where you live. 

My opponent in Congressional District 18 sits on the House Judiciary Committee including the Sub-Committee on Immigration.  What does she have to say about the threat of an open border? Check her website. There is nothing there except her exuberant endorsement of Kamala. 

My opponent’s only local press announcement is about the $2.7 million in your taxpayer dollars that she is giving away.

I am the only Congressional candidate in this race that is willing to support closing the border on DAY 1. But to do that, I need your vote and your help in getting the message out to other voters in Congressional District 18. Thank you for your support.

When they stalk our children,

the government has gone too far.

Candidates spend thousands (and even millions) of dollars on a marketing “Focus Group” to come up with campaign phrases that will catch the attention of voters. Instead of spending big bucks on a marketing consultant, I sat around the table with 15 members of my large Mexican family celebrating my brother’s birthday.

My family is the perfect focus group. We are a mixture of Republicans and Democrats and enjoy many spirited discussions.  When it came to talk about our children, both factions reached the non-partisan conclusion that “the government has gone too far” when they come for our kids.

The government now makes it official that they want a separation between parents and their children! The government thinks they can raise your children better than you can!

I believe that, “When they stalk our children, the government has gone too far.” is a unifying message that will put common sense Democrats and Republicans on the same page. Please help me get this message out so that I can carry your voice to Congress and join with a new Republican Administration to clean up the mess LEFT by the LEFT.

Cuando acosan a nuestro hijos, el gobierno ha ido demasiado lejos.

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