The Government Has Gone Too Far

Billboard on Highway 101

You may have noticed the billboards my campaign has placed throughout Congressional District 18. This one phrase captures why I’m running to represent you in Congress. There are so many areas that the government has overstepped, but I believe the most egregious is with our children.

When they come after our children, the government has gone too far.

There are so many areas in our lives where the government has overstepped, but I believe the most egregious is with our children.

Having faced many challenges growing up as the child of migrant farm workers, my heart has always gone out to the troubled youth I identified with. In 2014, hoping to make an impact on the lives of these youth, I ran and was elected to the Hollister School Board.

As a father of 4 children, I’ve seen how easily children can be swayed by the wrong influences. Parents have a huge job in raising their kids to be productive and happy. They certainly don’t need government overreach.

Erin Friday, a local attorney and parental rights advocate, was devastated when she was summoned to her daughter’s school. Backed up and encouraged by the school counselors, Erin’s daughter announced that “she” was now a “he” and this was “his” new name.  Erin was devastated but was warned that if she tried to transition her child back, the child would commit suicide.

Because of Erin’s experience, and that of countless other parents, I boldly stand for parental rights.  My billboards say, “When they come after our children, the government has gone too far.”   This wording might seem too strong, but when schools secretly transition children and hide that from parents… they have gone too far.

Today Erin is part of Our Duty, a worldwide organization fighting on behalf of parents and children. You can read and join her Substack here:

Although still registered as a Democrat, Erin Friday has endorsed me for Congress and is making clear that Democrats need to support Republican candidates to bring an end to this gender turmoil with our kids.

Erin Friday in Sacramento

"I support Peter Hernandez. He is pro-family and supports transparency in schools. His adversary, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, has been in office since 1995. She pretends to care about “our daughters & granddaughters,” yet she is an advocate for males who believe that they are women and can enter and participate as females in sports and gain entrance into female-only spaces, and calling Gail Heriot of the US Commission on Civil Rights a “bigot” for believing in biologic reality.”

Erin Friday, Esq.

I am proud that activist Democrats like Tribal Chairwoman Charlene Nijmeh, who ran against Zoe Lofgren in the March Primary, and Erin Friday, attorney and parental rights advocate, have both endorsed me for Congress.

We must stand up for children and parental rights, and my opponent will never support that! Thank you for your support.

Peter Hernandez in Alum Rock

Peter Hernandez, Candidate for Congress

It’s time to renew our communities, families, and businesses. It’s time to revive our economy and hold our government representatives accountable to ‘We The People’ and the communities they are elected to serve and protect.

Secure the Border Immediately