USA Life expectancy declines the most in history

Biden’s first 20 months have led not just to pain, but massive increases in American deaths due to:

  1. 107,000 annual fentanyl deaths from giving Mexican cartels control of the southern border;

  2. Tripling of covid deaths compared to prior administration (chiefly from impeding use of known therapeutics);

  3. Hundreds of thousands of excess deaths from cancer and cardio causes, due to failure of Biden to encourage routine health screenings in favor of more lockdowns;

  4. Massive increases in air pollution deaths from sulfur dioxide, resulting from Biden’s war on clean natural gas; this has resulted in increased burning of dirty Russian oil and also coal resources;

  5. Skyrocketing pedestrian deaths from electric vehicles according to the National Transportation Safety Board.

All of this resulted in an unprecedented decline in USA life expectancy, down three years since he took office.

Peter Hernandez, Candidate for Congress

It’s time to renew our communities, families, and businesses. It’s time to revive our economy and hold our government representatives accountable to ‘We The People’ and the communities they are elected to serve and protect.

We were duly warned


Wokeism not a Latino value, Biden’s mixed message and other commentary