What actually is in the “Inflation Reduction Bill”

What does the bill actually contain?

  1. Huge tax breaks for those earning over $300,000 (to the tune of about $50,000 per year for EV subsidy and SALT tax break);

  2. Reduction of biomedical research in life saving drugs;

  3. 87,000 new IRS auditors increasing everyone’s chance of audit by factor of 82;

  4. New 5 billion dollar subsidy for coal burning (our dirtiest form of energy);

  5. Income tax increase of $20 billion on middle class earners.

Isn't it time for new younger leadership in our leaders? Elect Peter Hernandez Peter Hernandez for Congress!

Peter Hernandez, Candidate for Congress

It’s time to renew our communities, families, and businesses. It’s time to revive our economy and hold our government representatives accountable to ‘We The People’ and the communities they are elected to serve and protect.


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