Democrat Kennedy endorses Republican Trump

An inflection point is a moment of dramatic change. Most of us would agree that our beloved country is at an inflection point. Robert F. Kennedy Jr, much to the dismay of his famous family, endorsed Donald Trump for President. Kennedy recognized that America needed to be saved from a Party whose policies have made life difficult for “We the People” over the past three years.

This endorsement will cause an estimated 11% to 16% shift of the Democrat vote to Trump, which is a game changer in the swing states. While California is far from being a swing state, the fact that RFK Jr’s VP pick Nicole Shanahan, a Bay Area tech attorney and philanthropist, also endorsed Trump, highlighting a shift in traditional Democrat vote patterns.

As a Republican running for Congress to represent Silicon Valley and the Central Coast, a 10% shift in Democrat vote makes my race, and those of other down ballot Republicans, far more winnable.

Are we at an inflection point where Silicon Valley could send a Republican to Congress?

Peter Hernandez (R) accepts competitor Charlene Nijmeh's (D) endorsement

Closer to home other traditional Democrat voters are awakening. In the March 2024 Primary, Democrat Charlene Nijmeh, Tribal Chairwoman of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, ran against my opponent, Zoe Lofgren, because the incumbent Congresswoman was unfair in dealing with the Tribe. Democrat Chairwoman Nijmeh managed to take 11% of the vote away from Lofgren.

On August 13, 2024, the Muwekma Tribe held a rally on the steps of San Jose City Hall where Chairman Nijmeh gave me her endorsement.

"Adding to the political intrigue, Nijmeh, a Democrat, has endorsed Peter Hernandez, Lofgren’s GOP challenger in the November election, who has pledged support for the Muwekma Ohlone’s recognition efforts.

“Truth has a profound yet necessary effect,” Hernandez said at a rally outside San Jose City Hall. “It requires clarity and accountability. And right now, the only ones opposed to the truth are the gatekeepers of California politics.”"

The percentage of Democrats who are fed up with their Party is growing in our Congressional District.

Would you help me get the word out to Democrat and Independent (NPP) voters who are waking up to the challenges facing our country in this election?

  • Reply to this email if you are willing to host a “Meet and Greet” in your home where I can meet your neighbors & friends and answer any questions and concerns.

  • Donate to help pay for mailings to targeted voters.

I appreciate anything you can do to help!

Peter Hernandez, Candidate for Congress

It’s time to renew our communities, families, and businesses. It’s time to revive our economy and hold our government representatives accountable to ‘We The People’ and the communities they are elected to serve and protect.

Do you Feel Safe in Your City?


Competitor Charlene Nijmeh to Endorse Congressional Candidate Peter Hernandez