When they stalk our children,the government has gone too far.

Peter with kids in Gilroy

Candidates spend thousands (and even millions) of dollars on a marketing “Focus Group” to come up with campaign phrases that will catch the attention of voters. Instead of spending big bucks on a marketing consultant, I sat around the table with 15 members of my large Mexican family celebrating my brother’s birthday.

My family is the perfect focus group. We are a mixture of Republicans and Democrats and enjoy many spirited discussions.  When it came to talk about our children, both factions reached the non-partisan conclusion that “the government has gone too far” when they come for our kids.

The government now makes it official that they want a separation between parents and their children! The government thinks they can raise your children better than you can!

I believe that, “When they stalk our children, the government has gone too far.” is a unifying message that will put common sense Democrats and Republicans on the same page. Please help me get this message out so that I can carry your voice to Congress and join with a new Republican Administration to clean up the mess LEFT by the LEFT.

Cuando acosan a nuestro hijos, el gobierno ha ido demasiado lejos.

Greg Green

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